Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Desktop Wallpaper: Forgotten Rain

My eldest daughter told me, "Dad - I don't know how you see all these things you take pictures of." This photograph was taken two doors down from our home at the edge of our neighbor's front yard retaining wall. There is beauty everywhere - we just have to see it.

You can find Forgotten Rain, sized for widescreen and standard monitors, at

Additional free wallpaper based on my photography can be found at

I'll be offering a new wallpaper each day between now and December 22nd - which is not only Winter Solstice, but will see the rebirth of my non-religious spiritual site, Old Ways, that I founded back in 1997.  With over 800 pages of original articles, lessons, and video, it went offline earlier this year but will return in 8 more days.


  1. I love all your photography; thank you for turning them into wallpaper so I can look at them every day! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing this valuable information. Such a great work.I just amazed while seeing your content! Keep Posting like this stuff. Thanks for sharing such a knowledgeable nice information to us.This is very helpful info. Keep up the good
